#TruCoaterContest from March 14-21st!

At TCI, we love Tuesdays! On Tuesdays, we get to showcase quality work from our customers, and promote their work on our several social platforms. Since the campaign has been such a success so far, we have decided to conduct a contest for custom coaters to participate in! Entering this contest will give coaters the chance to submit a photo of their best TCI powder coated part and a chance to win a cash prize! Below are the contest details and guidelines, so that you, the coater, can have the best chance at winning!

Contest Run Time:
Tuesday, March 14th through Tuesday, March 21st (We told you we love Tuesdays!)

Social Platform:

  • Should include the hashtag #TruCoaterContest and #TruCoaterTuesday
  • Submitter should tag @TCIPowderCoatings in the post
  • Include the name of the TCI powder coating used and the name of the coated product
  • The submission should be a new post during the time of the contest and cannot be a previously submitted photo
  • Limited to one submission per company (if the company has several subsidiary companies within it, only one post should be made for that entire parent company)
The winner will receive a $500 Visa Gift Card by mail no longer than 3 weeks following the conclusion of the contest. The winning company’s post will be re-tweeted and reposted on our other social platforms of LinkedIn, Google+, and Twitter.

The winner must be a company profile or the profile of the CEO/leader of the company, representing that company. The winner must have used TCI Powder Coatings to coat their pictured product.

Legal Guidelines:
  • This contest is not enforced or promoted by or with Facebook.
  • Do not create multiple accounts in order to submit contest posts.


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