TCI Powder Coatings: TruWrinkle

TruWrinkle powder coatings come in in both polyester and epoxy versions that perform well, look excellent, and apply easily.  The previous “starring” issues have been virtually eliminated, “puddling” has been drastically reduced, and this formulation has been optimized to provide a consistent wrinkle finish.  TruWrinkle products are formulated to create a unique look in a single step, from a deep peel texture to a coarse rolling ridge appearance.  These coatings can be applied at a broad film range using multiple style spray guns and a variety of gun settings.  Ideal applications include playground equipment, outdoor furniture, lawn mower decks, shelving, cabinets, switch gears, and fitness equipment. 

Click here for more information on TruWrinkle Products.

Look for upcoming blogs on our other available TruProducts.
Click here to see our posts on TruIllusion, TruAnodize, and TruHammer. 


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