Powder vs. Liquid Coatings: Coating Thickness

There are many advantages to using powder coatings versus liquid coatings.  One advantage is that powder coatings can produce thicker coatings without running or sagging. Thicker coatings tend to be tougher, more durable, and are particularly useful on corrosion-prone applications where thicker coatings provide added protection. Thicker coatings also help cover small surface defects such as sharp edges, dimples, and machining marks.  In order to achieve sufficient thickness for corrosion resistance, most liquid paints must be applied in two passes while powder coatings can reach the desired thickness with just one coat, saving both time and money. 

For additional information on powder coatings, visit our website at tcipowder.com.
We provide dependable, efficient service and carry a wide selection of superior products used for innovative solutions and applications within the architectural, furniture, automotive, agriculture, and construction markets.

Contact us today to speak with our experienced team to answer your powder coating questions or to see how we can help you with your powder coating needs.


  1. Running paint is for sure something that you don't want happening. I guess you could make the coats thick using liquid coating, but you would just have to do more layers. But, because time is money, that would probably cost a little bit more. I wouldn't be surprised if powder coating became a lot more popular than it is. It tends to work pretty well. The machines can cost just a little more. http://www.tristatefabricators.com/PowderCoating.htm


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