Featured Product: TCI’s TruSelector Chip Program

Selecting the best colors for your project is easy with our TruSelector Chip Program, which equips you with the necessary samples to find the ideal color for your project.   

Our Color Chip Program offers an accurate representation of color, texture, and gloss by supplying you with 2”x3” chips coated in more than 300 of the most popular colors from our extensive portfolio of powder coatings. All the chips are created according to our quality control process to ensure the powders are applied at the recommended film build and meet our quality appearance specifications before being placed into inventory and released for shipment.

To further enhance the usability of the Color Chip Selector, we offer a wall-mounted display system so you can quickly and easily access your chips.

For more information contact TCI Powder Coatings’ Chip Program at tcichip@tcipowder.com or click here.


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